GASE is committed to supplying customers with products and services that meet and exceed their expectations. To achieve this GASE has determined and monitors the needs and expectations of the interested parties that are relevant to its business, this has been established through our approval to BS EN ISO 9001:2015. EN 9100:2018 (AS9100 Rev D). Certificate Number: UK1882017-1
GASE also evaluate the performance of its Quality Management System through KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) and internal audits. Gase monitors Sales, Purchasing and Manufacturing, as well as customer quality and delivery, all of which provide us with the effectiveness of our QMS and ensures that customer satisfaction is maintained. To ensure conforming products GASE employs a team of inspectors to verify customer specifications, this includes verification at first and last off stages along with full First Article Inspection reports to AS9102 as required.