Health & Safety | GASE Engineering

AS9100 Rev D

The Company will also take a proactive approach at:-

Developing and maintaining a structured health and safety organisation in which responsibilities and accountability are clearly defined and understood;

Identification and assessment of hazards, risks and the allocation of adequate resources to implement effective control measures;

Eencouraging employees to adopt and promote responsible behaviour and to positively contribute towards seeking safer and more productive ways of working;

Adopting a safe place of work, systems and equipment which do not create a risk to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors, so far as is reasonably practicable;

Communicating information, instruction, training and supervision to all its employees, visitors and contractors;Preventing and avoiding accidents, injuries and ill-health to our staff and others who may be affected by existing business operations;


Reviews & Amendments

The Health & Safety Policy will be periodically reviewed and amended as appropriate to reflect changes in the nature of activities of the organisation and to review the effectiveness of the implementation of this document.